Monday, April 12, 2010


Kes pembuangan bayi bukanlah fenomena yang luar biasa di negara kita dewasa ini. Kejadian pembuangan bayi merupakan perkara yang sering didengari atau dibaca di dada-dada akhbar mahupun menjadi topik perbincangan hangat di kedai kopi oleh pakcik-pakcik yang merasa tidak senang duduk dengan isu yang dibincangkan. Bayangkanlah seorang yang tidak berdosa seperti kain putih yang suci dibuang tidak ubah seperti sampah yang tiada guna. Isu ini bukanlah sekadar isu yang boleh dibicarakan di bibir setiap individu di negara kita. Isu ini melibatkan kemanusian, agama dan maruah yang kian tercalar saban hari akibat nafsu serakah segelintir manusia yang hanya mementingkan diri sendiri.

Mengikut peradaban Islam hal ini sewajarnya dipandang serius kerana ia melibatkan “nasab” atau keturunan. Sekiranya kita mahu melihat perkara ini dibendung melalui penguatkuasaan undang-undang, memandangkan majoriti masyarakat Malaysia adalah beragama Islam kita harus memantapkan undang-undang syariah yang sedia ada. Ini adalah kerana undang-undang syariah yang sedia ada dilihat amat lemah dalam menangani gejala maksiat amnya dan gejala pembuangan bayi khasnya. Dalam erti kata pemantapan undang-undang syariah yang sedia ada, hukuman denda dalam bentuk kewangan yang bersifat kesedaran yang sementara digantikan dengan hukuman yang setimpal seperti yang pernah dilakukan pada zaman Rasulullah S.A.W. Tambahan lagi hukuman syariah yang berpandukan Al-Quran dan Sunnah ini telah pun dipraktikkan di zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka dan dikenali dengan Undang-undang Laut Melaka dan Hukum Kanun Melaka. Punca utama berlakunya gejala pembuangan bayi adalah zina atau seks tanpa nikah yang begitu tidak terkawal di negara kita. Zina menjadi “trend” atau gaya hidup golongan muda-mudi di kampus atau di tempat kerja kerana terpengaruh dengan budaya kuning yang menjadi ikutan dan panduan anak-anak muda masa kini. Pembuangan bayi ini dapat dinatijahkan sebagai keberkatan yang telah diberikan oleh Allah ditarik kerana tiada perasaan kasih sayang terhadap makhluk. Ini berlaku kerana kebejatan dan kerosakan yang dibuat oleh tangan-tangan manusia sendiri. Kita telah diberikan panduan untuk melakukan hubungan seks dengan cara yang sah iaitu melalui perkahwinan namun mereka memilih untuk melakukannya dengan cara haram dan apa yang telah berlaku, bayi tidak berdosa ibarat kain putih dibuang sebegitu sahaja. Nafsu syahwat telah mengatasi segalanya dan menyebabkan seseorang individu itu hilang pertimbangan. Selain itu juga, hantaran yang mahal mengikut cara VIP atau artis berkahwin merupakan antara faktor mengapa zina berlaku. Pada masa yang sama, kehidupan berpandukan material semata-mata telah menguasai masyarakat kita dewasa ini. Hanya pemantapan Undang-undang Syariah dari segi perkahwinan harus diselaraskan melalui nilai hantaran yang tidak melampui batas dan prosedur yang menyenangkan kedua-dua mempelai.

Kesimpulannya, Undang-undang Syariah wajib diperkasakan bagi membendung gejala pembuangan bayi daripada terus berlaku. Sehubungan itu, bagi merealisasikan perkara ini kita sebagai umat Islam harus kembali kepada Al-Quran dan Sunnah yang telah terbukti berkesan dalam menangani permasalahan seperti ini. Justeru semua pihak merangkumi kerajaan dan pihak berkuasa haruslah melakukan anjakan paradigma kerana tidak boleh dinafikan lagi Al-Quran dan Sunnah terbukti berkesan pada Zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka serta Zaman Pemerintahan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


“In a sleepy night, with a drizzling of rain, I got a dream. A dream that will change the whole thing. At that time, I was so scared. In my dream, I saw somebody got punished for what he has done in his life before. That was a dreadful punishment that I had ever seen for my entire life. Nobody can avoid from that punishment or to fight back. A few moments later, I awake with a full of sweat. Then, I think for a while, I remember back what I have done all this while, the sins that I has commit, I realize that is wrong. This comes to be the point where I have to change everything no matter what. Said Khairul (not a real name) that share this story with me.

“Like a dark place without a light”. That is how I can picture about his life before. Full of bad things, not having a good matter at all. He used to be a drink, strike people being his way when to settle problems, take drugs, free sex and many more. I’m touching when I heard this story from him. This is not what he wanted or what he wishes. It all happened because of peer group. He give full trusted to all his friends. For him, friends are everything. But, for his friends, he is nothing. This story begin when his friends betrayed him which his friends put the drugs in cigarette and force him to smoke for a first time. Start from that, he first become a drug addict. Then, followed with other things that I mentioned earlier. Day by day he awash in the current of perishable.

The purpose he share this story is because he does not want anyone to be like him, follow him do bad things, and astray in the darkness. If possible, he wants anybody in this world to read this story so that it can be an instruction. Once you are away from a right path, it’s so difficult for you to turn back. You will not realize that you are in the wrong path because your heart is full of nefarious. Think of your family, especially your parents, what would they feel if you being like that? The most important thing is, you have to be smart in choosing your friends. Don’t make a wrong choice because friends plays an important role in destine your future. “Don’t ever be like me. Otherwise, you will regret it for the entire life”. Said Khairul that affirm this errand.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Product Review (Kuala Lumpur Bird Park)

Attention please!!! To people that have a family, to adults and everyone. I’m here just to solve your problem and also want to give a suggestion to you. So, please spend your time a few minutes with me and read this. I’m promise it won’t disappoint you. I knew that you are so busy with your works, your commitments, your assignments and so on. Probably you don’t have a time at all to your family, friends, even to yourself. Thus, you can’t run away from depressed and tension. For what purpose I mention all these? Actually I’ve been in your shoes, in this condition past 2 years. But, I managed to settle it.

Kuala Lumpur Bird Park…has you come to this place before? If not, let’s join me. I’ll story you about this exciting place. Located in the serene and scenic lake gardens, near to the Orchid Garden. It’s around the area of Jalan Parlimen, if you can reach Jalan Parlimen, there’s good signage all the way to the bird park. Does this place cure your problem? Absolutely yes. Because it’s just around 10 minutes from city center. For you and those who are always busy and have a very pack schedule, you need to come hear, release your tension and enjoy the natural beauty. In addition, you can spend your time to your family, friends and yourself. No need to find a far place, just come here and save your budget, fuel, and your time. Weekend or everyday you can come here. It won’t let you down. Where else you can find a peaceful place like this in the city center?

The Bird Park is one of the largest covered bird parks in the world, sprawling 8 acres of verdant valley terrain. Here, for the first time in Malaysia, bird lovers can have a field day watching more than 3000 birds from approximately 200 species of local and worldwide birds perching and winging about freely-in totally natural and beautiful landscaped environment. Bird-watching is a common activity here where the flora and fauna are rich. The Kuala Lumpur Bird Park has earned the reputation among those who are keen on the study of birds in the natural habitat. Some of them include research scientist who monitor bird nest for the study of behavioral patterns. While walking in the park, take a picture opportunity with Mandarin Ducks, Eagles, Hornbill, Bird Kasawari, Ranggung, Stork, Pigeon, Cockatoo, Flamingo, Serindit, Parrot, and many more of various species that come from countries such as Malaysia, Australia, New Guinea, Thailand, Indonesia, Tanzania, China, and Dutch birds inhabit this park. There are also special rooms for the incubation of bird’s eggs, and nursery that provides visitors the opportunity to have a closer look at the eggs in the incubator. But, the first thing you’ll see when you get there is monkeys, not birds. You might remember this one and its swinging nipples. For your information, the former president of the United States, Bill Clinton, also come visited this bird park. It’s open daily from 9 am until 6.30 pm. Talking about the ticket price, this is what I don’t like about this place, it’s not that cheap at around RM30 per person, but whoever has a Mykad, they can get 50% discount and it’s a great place to practice wild life photography.

Last but not least, would you go to this place? Please don’t hesitate to come here because Kuala Lumpur Bird Park is an ideal place for family and friends and even company outing. The Bird Park’s management also offers a number of services for corporate and individual visitors such as event organizer, company outing, family day activities, treasure hunt, nature educational programmes, and hatchery and educational center. Besides that, there are also shows in the bird amphitheatre that held at 12.30 pm and 3.30 pm each day. Is there any other bird park organize an event like this? So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get here and enjoy the nature beauty. Don’t waste your time.

Monday, February 1, 2010

"About Me"

On 19th November 1988 a boy was born. Believed that he will bring a new life and happiness. He’s the child that has been waited for 9 month and 10 days by a couple named Norizan and Md Afandi. MOHD IRSYAD. That’s the name given to the boy. It was me. Actually my mom wants to put Syafiq or Shahmie as my name, but Irsyad became the chosen one. I don’t know why, maybe there is something that makes my mom choose this name for me, it might be because of the meaning or something else. Do you want to know what’s the meaning of my name? I’ll tell you...the meaning is guidance. Whatever it is, praise to Allah because I got this name and I really like it. I’m the eldest one in my family, I have 2 brothers and a sister and she is the youngest. My brother after me is still study, he’s in the IPTS now, doing his diploma majoring in business and the others is still school. For the moment, my parents still working, my mom in the government sector as a teacher and my dad in the private sector as a technician. I love my family so much.

I received my early education at Sek. Ren. Kebangsaan Tengku Bariah in 1994 till 2000. Then for my secondary school I choose to be in Sek. Men. Agama Sultan Zainal Abidin Ladang which is the school for the boys. There are no any girls students at my school. However, I don’t want to share about this story with you because for me there’s no interesting part at all. Five years without girls, I had difficulty to mix and communicate with the girls when I pursue my studies at Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah Islamic College. To let you know, this is the most exciting and precious moment that I have ever had for the entire of my life. At first I’m used to be a very shy person in the class. Then, when time passes by I really can be with them, being a good classmate and also as a team. We’re like a close family even though we’re from a different background and place.

When I was in the part four, we go for a family day at Pantai Pelindung somewhere in Beserah at Kuantan. We spent the whole day doing fun activities and enjoy the food together. The funny thing is all the members in my class got sunburn. When we go to the class next day, all the lecturers ask us why we look different. Then we managed to plan a last trip before we end up the last part. This time it’ll be at Hutan Lipur Chemerong at Terengganu. After get wet and so on in Chemerong we continue our trip to Kuala Terengganu and stayed at Batu Buruk Beach Resort for a night. Early in the morning we go back to Kuatan. After that we attack our lecturer’s places for lunch.

Everything we go through all together, our relationship become tighter, and we create a lot of beautiful memories together. That’s how we shared our precious and enjoyable moment together. However, the beginning will reach the end, the meeting surely has parting. So do this story in my life. Between me and the world in KIPSAS and also my beloved friends. My studies will finish soon. So, the time will dissociate us. It’s really sad because I loved them so much and I can’t bear to get separate with them. The fate has spoken and I must accept this with a broken heart. I miss them and KIPSAS so much. If time can move backwards, I will appreciate every single minute with them.

I do love to play badminton and it’s my hobby. The best thing is, I have been a presenter of my primary and secondary school and also my college in badminton tournament. The worst is i had never been a champion. I only pass through to the second and third stage and then someone surely defeat me. Maybe I’m not good enough to be a champ. So shame to share this kind of things with you but never mind, no need to keep it as a top secret. To be the most talented and skillful player we have to start it from nothing and there must be no ashamed to achieve that target. Am I right?

For your information, I’m a very simple guy and i like to tease my friends. Whoever does not know me, they might think that I’m a demure boy. So, this is the real me, applicable to the title in my blog.

Day by day, month after month and year by year I grew up to be an adult. During this period of time, I have gone through everything including the good thing and of course the bad one is not an exception. But, all these experience has taught me to be more matured and independence.

I want to share something with you, my friends. Our life is like a journey that full of meander. Sometimes, we might be at the angle or area where two lines, the feet may make a wrong move, but we have to go through even though it full of challenges. Just make our experiences as a byword because it can mature us. This story of life will not complete without the peoples surround us. Some of them will bring happiness and some will bring sorrowful. Nevertheless, the most important thing is honestly and also loyalty in relationship. It’s not only for the lover but also to our friends. The bottom line is just appreciated whoever is always with us in the hard time or pleasant…REMEMBER IT!